LogoChat 22 Feb. 2025


 Dr. Cynthia Wimberly will  inform you of changes to the leadership of the Institute.
Please join us for an informal session to meet and greet for new officers and to discuss the future plans for the Institute.  Your voice is important!  
This 12th. virtual gathering will take place on 22nd. of  February at 12:00 PM US Central time zone. 

Logochats will be held the first Saturday every other month. Times may vary in order to allow individuals to join from different time zones. In order to attend, you must create an account and register for the “Logochat.” That will allow you to receive a zoom invite. Logochats are free and open to all interested individuals.

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To the members and friends of the Viktor Frankl Institute of Logotherapy:

It is with great excitement I write to inform you of changes to the leadership of the Institute. It has been one of the greatest honors of my life to serve this organization in many different roles. I do not believe in coincidences but rather “God winks” in the many things in my life I am grateful for.  One of these being a very naïve, young graduate student who enrolled in Hardin-Simmons University’s Counseling and Human Development courses many, many years ago and was introduced to Logotherapy by Drs. Robert and Dorothy Barnes.

From this time, I have been blessed to meet and work with many of you throughout my years as a member of the Institute, finally serving as president these last few years. However, I believe it is now time to transition the leadership to others who can continue to move the Institute forward.  As of January 1, I am no longer serving as president. However, my resignation from the board does not mean I will not continue to be active in spreading the message of Logotherapy.

In order to provide Institute members and others involved in the Logotherapy global family more detailed information, instead of our scheduled LogoChat for February, we will be hosting a zoom “meet and greet” for the new officers on February 22 at 12 pm (Central Time Zone). This will be an opportunity for them to share their vision for the future and for you to ask any questions.

On February 22, I look forward to introducing the new president, Dan Hostetler and vice president, Doreen Francis-Hofstetter. The remainder of the Institute leadership will remain with Ann-Marie Neale as secretary, Memduh Ozmert to oversee the area of technology/internet, and Rodney Deiser as editor of The Forum. The new board officers, working with current members, bring new enthusiasm for growth and involvement throughout the global community. (In addition, Daniel, our fantastic, wonderful,….I couldn’t have survived without…. administrative assistant resigned effective December 31, 2024. These duties will be transitioned to support staff working with Dan.)

I am humbled by the support of the board and you, the members, during my time as president and vice-president. Any progress that was made is due to you, the members and the board; and for any mistakes, I take full responsibility. I cannot express in words my gratitude for your support, my enthusiasm for the work each of you are doing to further Dr. Frankl’s work, and my excitement for the future under the new leadership. I am honored to have been a part of the Institute as a board member and an officer and will continue to support it as a member. I look forward to seeing many of you on February 22 at 12 pm central time.

With deep gratitude,


Cynthia Wimberly, PhD