Title: Adopting a Meaning-Centric Mindset at Work
Synopsis: An increasing number of people are questioning the meaning of their work (where the majority of adults spend a significant number of hours as well as expend a significant amount of their energy). Everyone wants to know that their work matters and that they are making a meaningful difference—to themselves, for others, and for the larger community or society. I will discuss the current crisis of meaning in work, with a focus on how individuals and leaders can strengthen their understanding and application of meaning-centric principles, including references to how Logotherapy and Existential Analysis as well as Meaningology can provide a valuable foundation.
Elaine Dundon is a Philosopher of Meaning, Bestselling Author, and Co-Founder of the Global Meaning Institute and MEANINGology. She has held senior leadership positions at three global organizations, responsible for crafting strategic direction, leading diverse teams, integrating divisions, and delivering results. She also developed a groundbreaking course on Innovation Management at the University of Toronto.
Elaine’s recent work synthesizes years of experience and research on the topics of creativity, innovation, existential philosophy, metaphysics, personal transformation, and workplace culture. Her approach has been embraced by many leading global organizations and profiled in media around the world. She has shared her message with thousands of people in leading private, public, and nonprofit enterprises internationally, including Austria, Canada, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, Mexico, Portugal, Russia, Singapore, and the United States.
Elaine is the author / coauthor of 3 best-selling books available in over 20 languages: Prisoners of Our Thoughts: Viktor Frankl’s Principles for Discovering Meaning in Life and Work; The OPA! Way: Finding Joy & Meaning in Everyday Life & Work; and The Seeds of Innovation. Elaine is also a subject matter expert and columnist on the Search for Meaning for Psychology Today.