The Viktor Frankl Institute of Logotherapy (VFIL) is a world-wide educational organization that includes professionals from all walks of life as well as the lay public interested in promoting meaning and purpose in life.
Membership includes physicians and other health professionals, social workers, counselors and therapists, teachers at all levels, university students, business professionals, ministers, and lay persons.
The VFIL offers education and grants certificates and continuing education credits. The Institute is approved by the American Psychological Association (APA) as a provider of Continuing Education units (CE) for psychologists. Many state licensing boards, and prestigious professional organizations accept CE units that are granted by the American Psychological Association.
Specific clock hours of Continuing Education (accepted by licensing boards and professional organizations) are indicated in the description of each Course and Credential.
The VFIL offers the following courses for Certification or Continuing Education (approved by the American Psychological Association) to students world-wide via various methods.
Learn MoreUpon completion of the core curriculum, consisting of four courses in Franklian Psychology, students are eligible to apply for the Academic Associate credential from the Viktor Frankl Institute of Logotherapy.
Learn MoreThe faculty of the Viktor Frankl Institute of Logotherapy is comprised of Board approved Diplomates in Logotherapy from around the world. In addition, they meet the requirements of their respective professional associations.
Learn MoreThe Viktor Frankl Institute of Logotherapy is fully committed to conducting all activities in strict conformance with the American Psychological Association’s Ethical Principles of Psychologists. The Viktor Frankl Institute of Logotherapy will comply with all legal and ethical responsibilities to be non-discriminatory in promotional activities, program content and in the treatment of program participants. The monitoring and assessment of compliance with these standards will be the responsibility of the Education Chair in consultation with the members of the continuing education committee and the Convention Chairperson.
While the Viktor Frankl Institute of Logotherapy goes to great lengths to assure fair treatment for all participants and attempts to anticipate problems, there will be occasional issues which come to the attention of the convention staff. This may require intervention and/or action on the part of the convention staff or an officer of the Viktor Frankl Institute of Logotherapy. This procedural description serves as a guideline for handling such grievances.
4. If participant is still not satisfied with the results, Dr. Neale will provide all information to Dr. Cynthia Wimberly, Dr. Wimberly, after consultation with all involved and board members that may have pertinent information, will then provide the Institute’s decision to the participant