
“The Board also announced tentative plans to hold a combination in-person and virtual Logotherapy World Congress for a duration of three or four days. This will be the 25th Congress, being held in 2025, so it has the potential to be quite special. A very fruitful session was conducted and all the suggestions were noted....
On the eleventh LOGO-CHAT gathering took place on 2nd. of November Dr. David Sar Shalom’s topic was “Viktor Frankl’s Logotherapy and Philosophy of Life as related to the LGBTQIA+ Minority Experience “ Viktor Emil Frankl’s Logotherapy and Logo-Philosophy—the Third Viennese School of Psychotherapy (after Sigmund Freud’s and Alfred Adler’s)—constitute a versatile body of knowledge that...
On the tenth LOGO-CHAT gathering took place on 7th. of September. Dr. Dida Kimor’s topic was “Existential Philosophical Ideas in Frankl’s Logotherapy“. Frankl’s Logotherapy and especially his Logo-Philosophy is closely related to the “Zeit Geist” (The spirit of his time). In his writings, he dialogues mostly with philosophers of his time, mainly by referring to...
On the ninth LOGO-CHAT gathering that took place on 6th. of July Jeffrey W Brosnan ,LMFT and Dr. Doreen Francis talked about “Incorporating The Spiritual Into The Workplace “ In Jeffrey’s words the purpose of this workshop was to incorporate a spiritual perspective in the building and maintaining of a harmonious and goal-directed workplace that...
Dr.Makola shared his personal reflection on Dr Viktor Frankl’s teaching on the subject, “when knowledge give up the touch is handed over to faith.”Dr. Makola stated that: “Dr. Viktor Frankl’s teaching resonates deeply with me, especially during times of uncertainty or adversity. There have been moments in my life where I’ve felt overwhelmed by the...
Sabine Indinger talked about “Meaning-Centered Job Crafting”, and shared her experiences accumulated in her coaching practices Meaning-centered Job Crafting sets out to help people (re-)discover meaning at their workplace. It happens every time a person is finding ways to tailor their work more to their values, strengths and job-related needs. This can be achieved by...