VIKTOR FRANKL INSTITUTE OF LOGOTHERAPY (VFIL) is an educational, credentialing and publishing organization that serves to connect colleagues and acquaint the public with the work of Dr. Viktor E. Frankl.
Joseph Fabry founded the Institute of Logotherpy in 1978 in Berkeley, CA after attending a lecture by Viktor Frankl, MD, PhD. In 1989, Frankl himself offered to have his name in the title of the Institute.
The BOAT, seen above, is the Greek symbol for wisdom.
The OIL LAMP (superimposed on the globe above) is the Hebrew symbol for eternity.
L-O-G-O-S is what you are really seeing superimposed on the globe above. Not a boat. Not an oil lamp. LOGOS. This constitutes the international symbol for the Viktor Frankl Institute of Logotherapy. The globe is included because the Viktor Frankl Institute is the parent organization of Logotherapy Institutes and Study Groups in 22 countries on 6 continents.
“In the beginning was the Word [Logos], and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” John 1:1 (“Logos” is the Greek word for “word.”)
LOGOS=Word=meaning, meant, intended, wisdom. What was meant or intended for your life? In what do you find meaning?
Meaning brings together that which should come together in life. Viktor Frankl defined meaning as truth, beauty, goodness, love, rightness, and God.
The Viktor Frankl Institute welcomes charitable gifts of any size to further its mission of promoting optimal health and well-being through meaningful living. We are a nonprofit organization and are recognized by the United States Internal Revenue Service as a 501c3 organization and meet all conditions necessary to make gifts deductible for US income tax purposes.