The Viktor Frankl Institute of Logotherapy (VFIL) is a world-wide educational organization that offers educational courses leading to the “Academic Associate” and the “Diplomate in Logotherapy” credentials as well as seminars and workshops.
The VFIL sponsors a biennial “World Congress on Viktor Frankl’s Logotherapy”, bringing together scholars, logotherapists, and students from around the world to discuss the philosophy of Viktor Frankl, present their research, and demonstrate the applications of Logotherapy in their respective fields of endeavor.
The VFIL semi-annually publishes “The International Forum for Logotherapy”, the world’s leading peer-reviewed scholarly journal on Logotherapy. The Forum presents the meaning-oriented existential philosophy and therapy developed by Dr. Viktor Frankl and expanded by logotherapists throughout the world.
In the summer of 1996, Dr. Viktor Frankl telephoned Drs. Robert and Dorothy Barnes and said, “Come soon or we will have to postpone our reunion until we are together in heaven someday.” With an extended weekend for the Fourth of July in between the first and second semesters of summer school at HSU, Drs. Dorothy and Robert Barnes flew to Vienna to be with their beloved mentor, Prof. Viktor Frankl and his dear wife, Elly. During the extended weekend, Drs. Dorothy and Robert Barnes visited one of Dr. Frankl’s most prominent, former students, Dr. Elizabeth Lukas in her home in Munich, Germany. It was only 14 months later that Viktor Frankl transitioned into “heaven”.
The BOAT, seen above, is the Greek symbol for wisdom.
The OIL LAMP (superimposed on the globe above) is the Hebrew symbol for eternity.
L-O-G-O-S is what you are really seeing superimposed on the globe above. Not a boat. Not an oil lamp. LOGOS. This constitutes the international symbol for the Viktor Frankl Institute of Logotherapy. The globe is included because the Viktor Frankl Institute is the parent organization of Logotherapy Institutes and Study Groups in 22 countries on 6 continents.
“In the beginning was the Word [Logos], and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” John 1:1 (“Logos” is the Greek word for “word.”)
LOGOS=Word=meaning, meant, intended, wisdom. What was meant or intended for your life? In what do you find meaning?
Meaning brings together that which should come together in life. Viktor Frankl defined meaning as truth, beauty, goodness, love, rightness, and God.
The Viktor Frankl Institute welcomes charitable gifts of any size to further its mission of promoting optimal health and well-being through meaningful living. We are a nonprofit organization and are recognized by the United States Internal Revenue Service as a 501c3 organization and meet all conditions necessary to make gifts deductible for US income tax purposes.